Thursday, December 22, 2011

Well, we made it.  Everyone is safely in Hawaii. We are living on the windward side of the island of Oahu in an awesome town called Kailua.  Apparently, it is one of the best places on earth to wind surf and kite ski.  We do not go to the beaches that often, but I hear they are nice.  Husband is getting used to his new job and his new 'uniform' for work.  He went from wearing a jacket and tie to work every day to an Aloha shirt and khakis.  His old dress pants do not match his new shirts.  We will take him shopping sometime soon.  Little girl turns four in a few days.  Every day, she wakes up and asks "Is today my birthday?"  Since August, she has been asking for various toys for her birthday.  She has seen the wrapped gifts and she is starting to get excited.  The Wee One is now two.  She is cutting her upper cuspid teeth acting her age.  We are still breastfeeding and having some trouble with the night weaning.  A small part of me thinks, "maybe I should get pregnant so the milk will change and maybe she will want to stop breastfeeding."  But then I continue to think... then I will have another baby that will grow into a two year old that will grow into a four year old that I will have to pay for college. I just have to be strong. Husband is not helping much with the weaning process.  Honestly, I am not sure what I should be doing. She is SO demanding.  As I type, she is beating at my breast with her hands and pulling my shirt up and down to get to me.  SIGH....

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