I get packages to my kids for every holiday from a family member: Halloween, Chanukah, Christmas, Valentines, Easter, and Independence Day. In each box contains a few toys, some trinkets from a "dollar store," a stuffed animal, some clothes, and lots of candy. The clothes always REEK of smoke and I have to air them our or wash them before I can even try them on my girls. The candy is...well... candy. I have told her many times that I do not like my kids eating that much candy. It is a once in a while treat. She does not seem to care. One Easter she said to me "it is only on Easter, let them eat it all." Of course, I dealt with a 2 year old with a sick tummy that year. Then I get "It is Christmas, it is ok." Of course there is the "oh, it is Halloween, it is ok to have some extra candy." I mean, come on, your husband is diabetic, his mother was diabetic, I come from a family strong in diabetes. Both my husband and I fight our weight in order to stave off sickness, and she sends us bags and bags of candy (and smoke laden dresses).
Thank you for letting me vent. I feel a bit better.
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