My kids are UTD on all their shots!
So, for the most part, I am an attachment parent. Yes, I used an epidural during both births. I my defense, I did feel the pain of labor. I got to 7cm with DD1 and 9.5 cm with DD1, but that was enough for me. Epidural made me more comfortable and there were no complications.
I am m part of an AP group and many of them are anti-vax and intactavists (anti circumcision). It is strange, b/c many of these moms are Navy wives and G-d only knows what types of bugs their husbands will bring home after their deployment.
Anyway, one mom who's son has FPIES wants to find a sick kid to infect her 10 month old infant. She says "because of his allergies, he cannot get the vax" and she wants him to get the "natural immunity" GAH! I just want to scream. I am usually very quiet and I do not post my opinion on the touchy subjects, but when they started talking about a Pox Party, I had to step in.
Here is my comment:
"I totally understand why you would not want to give your son the vax right now. Evelyn was delayed withe several of her shots because of her allergies (not nearly as severe as his). But this is what goes on my my head. Is there any other childhood illness that we deliberately infect our children with? Why do we do this with chicken pox? Also, I would not want to infect a small child that does not understand what is going on and why they feel like poo and why they are so itchy and yet they can't scratch. By getting infected, you have no idea what the severity of the virus they will get. Will they have complications? Will they get the pox in their eyes, in their mouth, on their penis, in their vagina, in their anus ? Yes, 90% of kids are exposed to this virus before the age of 10, but, personally, I think it is cruel and actually 'anti-AP' to deliberately infect our children with any disease."
Did I say to much. I mean, I AM pro-vax. I like the Sears delayed schedule, but still, all vax by age 2. I want my kids to go to a public school. We might end up in China or Guam or somewhere else that I cannot even think of. We are already in Hawaii and there are so many people here from Asia that I have no idea what my kids are being exposed to.